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Excluding Zabbix from EPEL repo in RHEL/ROCKY/ALMA Linux

By Antti Hurme 03/03/2024 No Comments 2 Min Read

Now that Zabbix is a part of the EPEL repo, you might need to exclude it from the DNF configuration, if your using the official Zabbix repository. The error will be something similar to the following: Edit the repository config: /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo, and add an exclude in the [epel] repository configuration: run “dnf clean all” and “dnf update” again to check if the problem is solved. Excluding Zabbix when Updating Use…

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Veeam Agent: “Windows Agent Error: Failed to read data from the data reader String was not recognized.Veeam Agent: “

After upgrading my homelab Veeam v12 to Backup & Replication 12.1(, my Windows Agent backups started to fail with the newest Windows Agent backup version The error received on all agents were “Windows Agent Error: Failed to read data from the data reader String was not recognized.”. Downgrading the agent to 6.0.1090 did solve the issue, but upgrading the agent would result in the same issue to present. Note…

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Monitoring Temperature, Humidity, Pressure and so on with Zabbix + Ruuvitag

By Antti Hurme 02/07/2023 No Comments 4 Min Read

I’ve been using Ruuvitags to measure different places around my house some time, and storing the data to my Zabbix installation. The GitHub repository below contains all the necessary files, as well as rudimentary install instructions. You need to have a device that can run Python 3.7.x, has a compatible Bluetooth device and has the required Zabbix binaries. In addition you need to follow the ruuvitag-sensor repository guide for the…

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Free Portainer Business at home – Using docker with more features in homelab!

By Antti Hurme 12/03/2023 2 Comments 2 Min Read

I’ve started using docker as probably a lot of you, with just a Debian or Ubuntu server with the necessary binaries to get containers running. At one point, I discovered Portainer which made container management in a homelab environment a lot easier. I though about using Kubernetes, Rancher and other options like Tanzu. But they are all quite high maintenance to run a few containers at your home. If your…

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