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Upgrading Zabbix with PSQL and TimescaleDB to specific version

By Antti Hurme 04/06/2024 No Comments 2 Min Read

When upgrading to Zabbix 7.0, the minimum version of TimescaleDB extension has been increased, thus you might encounter the following error if you’ve been conservative when upgrading the extension due to version mismatch. Starting Zabbix Server. Zabbix 7.0.0 (revision 49955f1fb5c).using configuration file: /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf TimescaleDB version 20902 is not officially supported. Recommended version is at least TimescaleDB Community Edition 2.10.0.Zabbix Server stopped. Zabbix 7.0.0 (revision 49955f1fb5c). To upgrade the timescaledb extension,…

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Upgrading to Zabbix 7.0 from 6.x, GPG keys are not correct

By Antti Hurme 04/06/2024 No Comments 1 Min Read

If you update the repository configuration in rhel/rocky/alma/centos in /etc/yum.repos.d/zabbix.repo like previously, then you will get the error message below; “The GPG keys listed for the “Zabbix Official Repository – x86_64″ repository are already installed but they are not correct for this package.” To fix the issue, you will need to install the new Zabbix 7.0 release rpm found in, for example zabbix-release-7.0-2.el9.noarch.rpm located in Zabbix Official Repository.

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Excluding Zabbix from EPEL repo in RHEL/ROCKY/ALMA Linux

By Antti Hurme 03/03/2024 No Comments 2 Min Read

Now that Zabbix is a part of the EPEL repo, you might need to exclude it from the DNF configuration, if your using the official Zabbix repository. The error will be something similar to the following: Edit the repository config: /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo, and add an exclude in the [epel] repository configuration: run “dnf clean all” and “dnf update” again to check if the problem is solved. Excluding Zabbix when Updating Use…

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Veeam Agent: “Windows Agent Error: Failed to read data from the data reader String was not recognized.Veeam Agent: “

After upgrading my homelab Veeam v12 to Backup & Replication 12.1(, my Windows Agent backups started to fail with the newest Windows Agent backup version The error received on all agents were “Windows Agent Error: Failed to read data from the data reader String was not recognized.”. Downgrading the agent to 6.0.1090 did solve the issue, but upgrading the agent would result in the same issue to present. Note…

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